"Madonna and Child" by L. da Vinci Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades"The Snow Queen" by Vladyslav Yerko Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades"The Snow Queen" by Vladyslav Yerko Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades"A Friend in Need" by C.M. Coolidge Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades"Butterfly Fairy" by Sophie Anderson Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades"Butterfly Fairy" by Sophie Anderson Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades“The Sybil of Delphi” by Michaelangelo Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades“The Sybil of Delphi” by Michaelangelo; in progress Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades"The Dreamer" by Tamara de Lempicka Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades"The Dreamer" by Tamara de Lempicka; in progress Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades"Mountain Ecstasy" by Maxfield Parrish Recreated by Shirley Lehner-RhoadesDetail from "Mountain Ecstasy" by Maxfield Parrish Recreated by Shirley Lehner-Rhoades